Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

St Columba of Ireland and Scotland, Abbot of Iona, 6th c. Celtic Saint

Celtic Monastery, Hebrides, Scotland, as Prophecied by St Columba of Ireland and Scotland

Orthodox Monastery of All Celtic Saints
Isle of Mull
Hebrides, Scotland

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Islamic War on Christianity Continues: ISIS Bulldozes Catholic Monastery in Syria

From the UK Telegraph, Link to article above

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) militants have destroyed a historic monastery seized in their latest advance across central Syria.

Photographs appeared online of fighters from Isil with bulldozers at the Mar Elian monastery in Al-Qaryatain, in Homs province.

The monitoring group Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said the Catholic monastery was then destroyed “on the pretext that it was used for worshipping others than God”.

Remember the rules we’re supposed to be playing by here, kids: you can’t mention that Islamic terrorists are waging wholesale war on Christians because it hurts the Islamic terrorists’ feelings.

It’s not just property they’re seizing:

Isil took Al-Qaryatain and the monastery on August 5, kidnapping an estimated 230 people, including Christians. Some of the older captives have been released, but at least 100 people have been taken as hostages to the de facto Isil capital of Raqqa further to the north.

The monastery and attached church of St Elian was named after a third century Christian from Homs who was killed by his father, a Roman officer, for refusing to renounce his faith.

It was renovated ten years ago under the direction of Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, an Italian priest who re-established the Mar Musa monastery near Damascus, and became known as an anti-Assad regime activist. He was later kidnapped, and is believed to have been killed, by Isil.

Mar Elian’s abbot, Fr Jacques Mourad, was kidnapped, presumably by Isil, in May, before the attack on the town.

There may have been a time in days past when the American media would be upset about Christians being targeted for kidnapping and execution anywhere in the world, but I haven’t been alive that long.

And I’m not the youngest kid on the block.

From: PJMedia

Monday, August 17, 2015

Тропарь Навечерия Рождества Христова, глас 4 | Vigil of the Nativity, Troparion, Tone 4

Тропарь Навечерия Рождества Христова, глас 4
Vigil of the Nativity, Troparion, Tone 4

Написовашеся иногда со старцем Иосифом,
Napisovashesya inogda so startsem Iosifom,
яко от семене Давидова в Вифлееме Мариам,
yako ot semene Davidova v Vifleyeme Mariam,
чревоносящи безсеменное Рождение.
chrevonosyashchi bezsemennoye Rozhdeniye.
Наста же время рождества,
Nasta zhe vremya rozhdestva,
и место ни единоже бе обиталищу,
i mesto ni yedinozhe be obitalishchu,
но якоже красная палата
no yakozhe krasnaya palata
вертеп Царице показашеся.
vertep Tsaritse pokazashesya.
Христос раждается прежде падший воскресити образ.
Khristos razhdayetsya prezhde padshiy voskresiti obraz.

Взбранной воеводе | To Thee, Champion Leader

Взбранной Воеводе победительная
Vzbrannoy Voevode Pobeditelnaya

Взбранной Воеводе победительная,
Vzbrannoy Voyevode pobeditel'naya,
яко избавльшеся от злых,
yako izbavl'shesya ot zlykh,
благодарственная восписуем Ти рабы Твои,
blagodarstvennaya vospisuyem Ti raby Tvoi,
но яко имущая державу непобедимую,
no yako imushchaya derzhavu nepobedimuyu,
от всяких нас бед свободи,
ot vsyakikh nas bed svobodi,
да зовем Ти
da zovem Ti
Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya, Nevesto Nenevestnaya.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Владимирский скит | Vladimir Skit

Excited Puppy Rave!

Beyond adorable.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Chapel of Our Lady of Valaam

Chapel of Our Lady of Valaam (Day)

Chapel of Our Lady of Valaam (Evening)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Се Жених грядет | Se Zhenih Grjadet (Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh)

Се Жених грядет
(Киевский распев)
Валаамского монастыря
Se Zhenih Grjadet

Тропарь, глас 8
Tropar, glas 8

Се, Жених грядет в полунощи,
Se, Zhenikh gryadet v polunoshchi,
и блажен раб, егоже обрящет бдяща
i blazhen rab, yegozhe obryashchet bdyashcha
недостоин же паки, егоже обрящет унывающа
Nedostoin zhe paki, yegozhe obryashchet unyvayushcha
Блюди убо, душе моя,
Blyudi ubo, dushe moya,
не сном отяготися,
ne snom otyagotisya,
да не смерти предана будеши,
da ne smerti predana budeshi,
и Царствия вне затворишися,
i Tsarstviya vne zatvorishisya,
но воспряни зовущи
no vospryani zovushchi
Свят, Свят, Свят еси, Боже,
Svyat, Svyat, Svyat yesi, Bozhe,
Богородицею помилуй нас.
Bogoroditseyu pomiluy nas.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Truth About Spiritual Surrender

To defeat someone else is not that difficult.
To defeat yourself is much more difficult.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way

The Way of a Pilgrim
The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way
translated by Helen Bacovcin, published 1978.

Have yet to crack the cover, waiting for the dissipation of the day's din; the still of the night.

Prayer for Our Son

O od, our Heavenly Father, Who lovest mankind, and art most merciful and compassionate, have mercy upon our child, Thy servant, Alexander, for whom we humbly pray Thee, and commend him to Thy Gracious Protection. Be Thou, O God, his Guide and Guardian in all his endeavors; lead him in the path of Thy Truth, and draw him near to Thee, that he may lead a Godly and righteous life in Thy Love and Fear; doing Thy Will in all matters. Give him grace that he may be temperate, industrious, diligent, devout and charitable. Defend him against the assaults of the enemy, and grant him wisdom and strength to resist all temptation and corruption of this life; and direct him in the way of salvation, for the merits of Thy Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and the intercessions of His Holy Mother, and Thy blessed saints. Amen.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christ | Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

Jesus Christ
Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy
(Ива́н Никола́евич Крамско́й)

О Тебе радуется | Thee Rejoice

Valaam Monastery Choir

О Тебе радуется,
O Tebe raduyetsya,
Благодатная, всякая тварь,
Blagodatnaya, vsyakaya tvar',
Ангельский собор
Angel'skiy sobor
и человеческий род,
I chelovecheskiy rod,
Освященный Храме
Osvyashchennyy Khrame
и Раю Словесный,
I Rayu Slovesnyy,
Девственная похвало.
Devstvennaya pokhvalo.
из Неяже Бог воплотися
Iz Neyazhe Bog voplotisya
И Младенец бысть,
I Mladenets byst',
прежде век
prezhde vek
Сый Бог наш.
Syy Bog nash.

Ложесна бо Твоя Престол сотвори.
Lozhesna bo Tvoya Prestol sotvori.
И чрево Твое
I chrevo Tvoye
пространнее небес содела.
Prostranneye nebes sodela.
О Тебе радуется,
O Tebe raduyetsya,
Благодатная, всякая тварь,
Blagodatnaya, vsyakaya tvar',
слава Тебе
slava Tebe.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Remove Cat Before Flight

Mon Dieu!!!!!

Иисусова молитва | The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй мя грешнаго.

Church Slavonic:

The Jesus Prayer, Valaam Monastery Choir
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Господи Ісусе Христе Сыне Божїй помилѹй мѧ грѣшнаго.
GOspodi I-iSUSje KhristJE, SIne BOzhi-i, poMIlui mja GRESHnago.

The Jesus Prayer
Sung by the Sisters of St Elizabeth Monastery, Belarus
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Господи Ісусе Христе Сыне Божїй помилѹй мѧ грѣшнѹю.
GOspodi I-iSUSje KhristJE, SIne BOzhi-i, poMIlui mja GRESHnuju.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Sunflower Farm Creamery | Goat Babies in Pajamas!

Beyond adorable!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

From the Magnificat Calendar

Magnificat Calendar | May 2015
May 2015
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for Us

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Агни Парфене | Agni Parthene

Valaam Monastery Choir - 1999 - Agni Parthene
(Complete with Peal of Bells at Beginning)
Valaam Monastery Choir - 1999 - Agni Parthene
(Shortened Version, Peal of Bells at Beginning Removed)
Russian Cyrillic / Russian Transliteration
Агни Парфене (преподобный Нектарий Аэгинский)
Agni Parthene (prepodobniyy Nekatriy Aeginskiy)

Марие, Дево Чистая, Пресвятая Богородице,
Marie, Devo Chistaya, Presvyataya Bogoroditse
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Царице Мати Дево, Руно всех покрывающее,
Tsaritse Mati Devo, Runo vsekh pokriyvayushchee
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Превысшая Небесных Сил, Нетварное Сияние.
Previysshaya Nebesniykh Sil, Netvarnoe Siyanie.
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Ликов девичьих Радосте, и Ангелов Превысшая,
Likov devich'ikh Radoste, i Angelov Previysshaya,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Небес Честная Сило, и Свете паче все светов,
Nebes Chestnaya Silo, i Svete pache vse svetov,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Честнейшая Владычице всех Небесных Воинств,
Chestneyshaya Vladiychitse veskh Nebesniykh Voinstv,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Всех праотцев Надеждо, пророков Исполнение,
Vsekh praottsev Nadezhdo, prorokov Ispolnenie,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
В подвизех Ты - Помоще, Кивоте Бога Слова,
V podvizekh Tiy - Pomoshche, Kivote Boga Slova,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
И девам - Ликование, и матерем - Отрадо,
I devam - Likovanie, i materem - Otrado,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Целомудрия Наставнице, душ наших Очищение,
Tselomudpriya Nastavnitse, dush nashikh Ochishchenie,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Покрове ширший облака, и страждущих Пристанище,
Pokrove shirshiy oblaka, i strazhdushchikh Pristanishche,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Немощных Покров и Заступнице, Надеждо ненадежных,
Nemoshchniykh Pokrov i Zastupnitse, Nadezhdo nenadezhniykh,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Марие - Мати Христа - Истиннаго Бога,
Marie - Mati Khrista - Istinnago Boga,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Ааронов Жезле Прозябший, Сосуде тихой радости,
Aaronov zhezle prozyabshiy, Sosude tikhoy radosti,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Всех сирых и вдов Утешение, в бедах и скорбех - Помоще,
Vsekh siriykh i vdov Uteshenie, v belakh i skorbekh - Pomoshche,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Священная и Непорочная, Владычице Всепетая,
Svyashchennaya i Neporochnaya, Vladiychitse Vsepetaya,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Приклони ко мне милосердие Божественнаго Сына,
Prikloni ko mne miloserdie Bozhestvennago Siyna,
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya.
Ходайце спасения, припадая взываю Ти:
Khodaitse spaseniya, pripadaya vziyvayu Ti:
Радуйся Невесто Неневестная.
Raduysya Nevesto Nenevestnaya. 
Sheet Music - Cyrillic Russian
Agni Parthene - O Virgin Pure
English Translation(s) 
Valaam Monastery Documentary - Step to the Skies

Friday, April 17, 2015